More Summer Fun

Look at how big Leo is getting to be.  He continues to be such a puppy with lots of energy and sharp puppy teeth.  
The boys want him to be the biggest cuddler but he only puts up with it sometimes. 

Loaded hot tub with neighbors and popsicles

We got lucky at the beginning of July and were able to sneak over to our favorite u-pick strawberry farm with the Haneys before they closed up.

As per tradition we pick strawberries and then head over to explore Mill Hollow.  There was enough water for the boys to swim and we also saw a water snake swimming past us.

Bob continues to play adult softball in the evenings.  This is a great activity for him to do.  He was awarded the hustle award that game so he received the Mexican wrestling mask as his trophy.

Bob has been wanting a truck for as long as I have known him.  His dream has come true.  He was able to purchase this truck and the boys love riding with him.  

This spring I planted sunflowers only in both my backyard garden and side garden.  I used the compost soil and I have been shocked by what has decided to come up.  I currently have cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes, and sunflowers growing like crazy.

My aunt Sharon gave me a bulb from her calla lily garden and it finally bloomed this year.

Our raspberry bushes were full of berries this year too.

We met the Malears at a new cherry picking farm this year and it was a blast.  

Grandma visited and we took her to our favorite beach...Sherod Park!

This summer the Amherst Baseball League canceled Nolan's age teams so we found a team in Sandusky and many of the neighbors joined in too.  It has been a blast watching them play.  Nolan continues to be in it only for the social aspect but maybe this will change.  

Popsicles at the park with Dotsons

Leo loves to dig in the sand with the boys at the beach

Granny Joes' is the place to stop and grab ice cream this summer.

Bike riding and wading in the river at beaver creek with neighbors

In the evenings we often meet at one of the neighbor's houses where the adults enjoy conversations and the kids play.  One of the nights while playing tag in the dark, Carter ran into a play structure and really messed up his face.  

One of the things the boys would do all day every day is fish.  The Pearch family took the boys down to the local marina where they fished off the rocks for hours.  I was amazed by how many fish they caught that day.

Summer summer fun!


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