24 Math Competition

The 24 Math competition is something the boys have been looking forward to for a long time. Last year Carter earned his spot to compete in this competition and got sick there.  He has been looking forward to a new chance this year.  Landon is currently in the advanced Math class this year and earned a chance to be the alternate on the team.  This is a real honor for the boys. They have been practicing hard for this competition.  Only 8 students from the 4th and 5th-grade classes earned enough points to attend the event. Bob and I were so proud of them just to earn a spot let alone compete...that was the icing on the cake!

There are 6 other schools that bring teams to this event.  Check out how hard Carter is thinking trying to solve the equation first!

From 5th grade Carter and this sweet classmate made it to the finals.

Carter earned 5th placed and received a medal.

Unfortunately, Landon was not able to compete due to him being the alternate. However, he enjoyed getting the chance to see what it was all about with his big brother.  He is already practicing to earn his chance next year to compete.

Since all the students that competed medaled their math teachers took them out for lunch and bought them all milkshakes.  Landon doesn't like milkshakes and Bob and I were pleasantly surprised to see him holding one in this photo.  Turns out when he tried something new...he liked it!!!  Who knew!


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