Let’s get to the soccer field

Finally, Nolan would say, "I get to play games now, Mom!" Nolan has been anxiously awaiting the chance to get out there in a real soccer uniform and play hard.  He has been playing in the soccer academy for about 2 years where they learn skills in a center based environment.  This is a great approach for the young kids for sure but nothing beats watching them play a real game. 
He was so stoked to see that one of his best friends was on his team.  Nolan loves to play and run so we have been pleasantly surprised at his first season.  As each game progressed we would catch ourselves laughing on the sidelines of how many kids would randomly fall or try to kick the ball and completely miss.

One of my favorite things is watching him in the goalie box.  He found a new pair of goalie gloves at a garage sale and insisted he get them to use and share with his teammates.  His gloves are sacred.  The first game he wore them he spent all of the time rubbing them on the poles of the goal to check the grip they had.  Every game every kid who plays goalie has to wear them and we crack up by how funny they are wearing them.

He is such a fun kid.  We hope that he will continue to enjoy soccer as much as we enjoy watching him play.


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