15 years as husband and wife

15 years of marriage...5,475 days as husband and wife...that blows my mind to think that it has been that long!  To celebrate we wanted to share some time with family and close friends who love and support us each day.  Five years ago we had a party at Paper Moon Winery to celebrate 10 years and it was such a huge success we decided to do it again.  This time we amped it up a bit with a small vow renewal ceremony in the vineyard with family first before our guest arrived. 
A friend of mine, Dave Johnson, is a local pastor and I asked him if he would lead the ceremony and he graciously accepted the offer.  It was a beautiful moment for us as he spoke of all we have created together in the past 15 years. Then Bob and I both shared our own thoughts of one another, and lastly it was sealed with a kiss. 

Dave prays over our family and us to conclude the ceremony

Ceremony selfie...Thanks so much to all who came out.

We snagged one family photo before the party

My sweet grandmother made the trip up for the event.  It wouldn't have been the same without her.  I am so glad she was there to share it with us! 

Truax, Parkers, and Falknors

Foisy, Michelle, Rosarios

Kelli, Judy, Mom, and Jill

Malears and Marcie J

Katie and Jeremy were a huge help.  Jeremy smoked an insane amount of meat and they both helped so much to get everything ready and then cleaned up when it was over.

Jim and Maria drove all the way from Michigan

Shannon, Ron, and Jeremy

The Kadows

Wine, wine, and more wine

A party isn't a party until someone make a human pyramid

Dance party!

Oh what fun we always have when celebrating with people who shower us with love!!!


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