Christmas in January

The holidays never end with the Boone's. We love hosting Christmas at our house with the Boone family.  Everyone makes the journey down from up north to enjoy food, laughter, and fun.  This usually happens later in January, which helps us extend the holiday season!!!

Landon working hard with his new Legos from Aunt Julie

Nolan was loving his opportunity to squeeze on his little cousin Hayden (Ron and Shannon’s daughter)

Bowling at Park Lanes is our yearly tradition. A whole lot of shenanigans.

Bre is so good with Hayden

Lots of giggles were shared as we all spent time together as a family celebrating a late Christmas holiday!

In the midst of having so much fun together, Bob had a little mishap when lighting the gas fireplace in the house.  He was so very lucky when we reflect back on it but in the moment it was terrifying.  As he was lighting the fireplace, the gas created a very large fireball that engulfed his face, hair, neck, and arm.  We made a journey to the emergency room where they gave him pain medication and cold compresses to ease the pain.  He was quite a tough cookie but it was very difficult to see him in so much pain.

He has fully recovered and is back to looking like his normal handsome self.  It's not a Boone Christmas without an unforgettable event. 


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