Visiting Aunt D and our cousins

We haven't seen Aunt D and our cousins since school started and we were having withdraws.  Bob and his friends from high school were headed to Penn State to watch Michigan so I drove his car instead.  I am not sure how people with kids drive in a they were so close in proximity that it was a constant touch fest!  Ugh!

Saturday was a beautiful day so we all ventured over to a pumpkin patch to enjoy some fall fun together.

A hayride through the woods!

While we were on the hayride through the woods, my wallet slid off the hay bale onto the ground.  Instead of freaking out, I just waited and walked back through the woods to get it.  Carter and Landon came on the hunt with me.  

Aunt D is giving the kids a pep talk about which pumpkins to choose.

This group of kids just love each other more than anything!

While we were walking to the car I couldn't help but catch this moment.  I never want to forget the bond that they have when we are all together!

After the pumpkin patch we stumbled upon a great park with a nature hike.  The kids had a blast climbing and hiking through the woods.

We ended the night with painting our pumpkins we picked out.

The boys had been asking about bobbing for apples so we made it happen.  They loved it!

Maw Maw even helped Addie practice doing a headstand.
It's too bad when school starts because it makes getting together so hard but when we do get together there is no place we would rather be.


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