
Showing posts from August, 2017

While mommy was away

While I was out on my girls trip, Bob was in charge of the boys! Angie came down to have fun with the boys too!  They ventured out to Swings and Things. Putt Putt! Bumper Boats! I can rest easy knowing that Bob is home having a great time with the boys while I am out!

Girls trip 2017

The annual girl's trip weekend comes around the first weekend in August and I have to tell you I get pumped up for this trip.  We rented the same house in Glen Michigan that we did last year but a few more friends from college decided to join us. Thursday night when we got there is was pretty cloudy and rainy so we ventured into South Haven for dinner. The above picture is the "Original Group" of girls that started this girls weekend! We usually spend any minute we can at the beach soaking up the sun while we chat and laugh until our cheeks hurt but it was dreary all but one day.  This caused us to have to go on adventures...first stop Antique Jungle.  This was a house with a huge yard with random antiques placed out in his yard.  It was like something I have never seen before.  There were little sheds full of random statues, signs, paintings, porcelain dolls, and a confession booth.  It was quite freaky as if you were walking the movie set of a horror film.

Graduation camping trip in Michigan

At the end of July, we packed up the camper and drove up north to celebrate Tesa's high school graduation at Grandpa Boone and Grandma Barb's house in norther Michigan. Due to crazy traffic, the journey took quite a long time for us to get there, but it was worth it.  The weather was perfect and we spent the whole weekend outside.  We had all day campfires, went fishing, river rafting, and many Gator rides.    That would be Bob falling off of his tube when trying to have a stand up battle with Landon.  Lauryn's son, Ashton, was there too.  He played with the boys and even had a slumber party in our camper with us. Grandpa Boone has been having some serious back pain which has resulted in him having a hard time getting around.  We enjoyed seeing him and he even gave each one of the grandkids their very own fishing pole.  Can you tell by the smiles on their faces that they were very excited!   Trying to get everyone in a picture and looking at the same time was very

Memphis kiddie park

Carter and Landon have been enjoying themselves this summer at Beulah Beach, nature camp, and camp Invention so I have been loving my time with just Nolan.  Danielle and her kids came up to join us on our annual trip to Memphis Kiddie Park. This ride was too cute...if only we could hear their conversation. Addie realized that most of the rides to her liking were "baby rides" so her and I rode the carousel instead. Maw Maw braved a train ride with all the kids.  As the drove away they yelled out to us, "So long suckers." So there is only one roller coaster at the park and frankly that thing scares me to death.  I have ridden it many times with the kids because I thought they were going to fly out or get whiplash.  It's insane.  I boycott it now because I am too old to wear a neck brace in public.  Danielle volunteered willingly to ride with the kids.  From the moment they took off from the station she was laughing so hard we could hear her

Happy 7th Landon

As much as you might think that it's hard to believe that Landon is seven, we totally agree with you!  This spunky little man is officially seven years old.  He lucked out this year because his birthday weekend was jam packed full of fun...garage sale, lemonade stand, family photos, and the Cleveland Indians baseball game! Birthday breakfast...blueberry Eggo waffles...right now they seem to be his absolute favorite thing to eat. We woke up early that morning to celebrate with birthday waffles, a quick birthday swim at the neighbor's pool, and then head downtown to the game.  We were all going.  This was a father's day gift for Bob, Edd, and Dad to go to the indians game together.  We jumped on the train and headed into the city.  It was quite a hot day but we lucked out and our seats were in the shade.  On our way in Lincoln had to pee so bad that he dropped his pants and started peeing on a tree.  He turned while peeing and soaked my legs with urine.  I laughe