Baby Maylee is here

On Wednesday we anxiously awaited a text or call about the arrival of the new baby cousin.  We didn't know whether it was going to be a girl or boy.  All of us except Nolan thought it was going to be a boy.  Nolan stuck to his guns since the beginning that it was going to be a girl because aunt D was a girl.  Not sure that is how it works buddy but innocence is bliss!
Late wednesday night we heard...Maylee Jane Vilt had arrived!  She was happy and healthy.  Yeah!!!
We knew right then that we had to be sure to see her on our way home from North Carolina.  Saturday afternoon we got to the house and I sprinted inside to see her.  Oh my goodness, she is beautiful and tiny.  I couldn't keep my hands off of her...I always have been and always will be a baby hog...can't help it!  She was absolutely precious.
Auntie Heidi loves her new niece!

Oh how the boys loved her.  They would gaze at her with the biggest smile and gently rub their cheeks up against hers.  Landon held her tight while watching Trolls.

Nolan is head over heels for her.  He wanted to hold her any chance he could.  While holding her he would kiss her over and over.

This is how close we all have to be to one another...six grandkids!

Getting his last kisses in before we had to head home.
It's tough not being able to see her every day but thank goodness D sends me a daily picture and we try hard to FaceTime.  Can't wait to watch her grow up with these other crazy kids!


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