
Showing posts from July, 2016

Let's try camping!

Growing up I spent many a day camping at the campground by the lake in our pop up camper.  We always had a good time and I can tell you some crazy stories.  Bob and I have always been interested in getting a camper to go with the boys but I was worried that they were too young.  A friend of mine knew a friend who was selling their pop up camper and we thought we would just check it out.  It was just what we had been looking for so we decided to jump right in and get camping.  Bob went to pick it up from the owner and bring it home.  When he got home he came in the back door, which I thought was strange, and said to me "Hey Babe, Do you remember the flag pole we were going to have take down, it seems we don't need to do that anymore.  I just backed the camper into the flagpole."  Yep, we hadn't even owned the camper for and hour before he backed it into the flagpole.  Only damage was the flagpole and a broken tail light on the camper.  I look at this as ammo in my bac

Summer week Five: birthdays, paddle boats, and more

Nolan still has quite an obsession with garbage trucks.  At the beginning of the summer, I called the garbage truck company to see if we could visit the dump.  I think they thought it was a prank because they didn't return my call.  Each week Nolan waits for the garbage truck to come by the house.  He carried out his chair and was wearing his sunglasses.  He was so happy to see the can being picked up and dumped into the truck.  The driver even waved and honked at Nolan.  On my birthday we headed over to Wellington Reservation to go paddle boating.  It is totally free!  Count me in!!!   Nolan loved steering the boat as I sweat like a maniac paddling the boat down the river. Maw Maw joined us on our journey. The boys would jump ships to be with each one of us. A super fun game "Wet Head".  It's like Russian Roulette with water…pull a stick and you could get your head soaked! On our trip over to visit Amy and the kids,  we stopp

Batter's time for baseball.

We kicked off the summer with baseball.  This year all three boys were on three different teams.   Here are all three on picture day!   Nolan began blast ball.  This is baseball on a super small field using a foam bat and soft ball.  He loved playing in the backyard with his brothers but we quickly found out that it was a different story on the field. Most of the games were scheduled during his naptime so the meltdowns were at an all time high! Carter was able to play this year in the league of all coach pitch.  There were quite a few games each week.  The coaches were very kind and great with the help they gave to the kids.  He played in quite a few positions. Behind the plate as the catcher Bob coached Landon's baseball team. Landon loved this because it meant that he had Daddy all to himself.  Bob does such a great job with the kids on the field.   During the Memorial Day parade, Landon waves to Carter in the truck in front. Carte

Let's celebrate the fourth!

This year my aunt Patty and uncle Allen offered to host a get together at their house in Chagrin Falls.  We were all so excited to be together and her kids (my cousins), Christin and Cory flew in for the fun too! Cory and Kayla Christin and Brandon (they are getting married next June) LeAnn and Jessica We had a huge BBQ with tons of food and desserts to eat.  Look at those smiles In the basement, there was a game room with a ping pong tale, foosball tale, card table, and a slot machine.  The boys had a great time playing foosball. All the girls hanging out playing cards together Look at these boys...up to no good! The temperature was perfect for a water fight.  We had a sprinkler going along with water guns and water balloons.  In the background you can see Paw Paw eyeing up the water balloons because soon after this picture he was quickly in on the water fun. Addie and DeClan Water Craziness Check out these two! Mas