Hammer visit

It was a lucky weekend for us…The Hammer Family came to visit.  The boys were so excited to see Hailey, Aubrey, and Tyler that going to school was a hard thing to do.  Hammer's arrived on Friday night and the fun quickly began.  The kids played and played into the wee hours of the night.  We finally go them to bed…they all insisted sleeping in the same room together.  The boys were in their bunk beds and Hailey, Aubrey, and Tyler slept on the floor.  It was a packed room but they all slept.  

The next morning we took them with us to Lowe's to participate in a Build and Grow event.  It was the construction of a bird feeder.  They had never been to one before so it was so fun to watch them figure it out.
Nolan and Hailey walk down the aisles together. (so sweet)

We had 6 kids so we all took over a whole table.  Landon was very excited about trying to do as much as he could on his own.  Aubrey was a skilled contractor.  She built it on her own.  Hailey was very hesitant about many steps but completed it very well.

Nolan was a great supervisor as Bob did most of the building.

Grandma Angie stopped through as she headed to Boston for a few months to watch Cassidy.  Luckily she got a chance to come with us.  Carter and her were a great team.

Tyler loved watching as Tj worked very hard building his bird house.

The crew with their completed projects.

We headed home to paint them.  It was so fun watching them create and decorate their own project.
Aubrey was so focused.

Landon painting

Carter had his second loose tooth.  He lost his first one at Hammer's house so he was persistent that he loose the second tooth while they were there.  We tried so hard to get it to fall out.  We tied the loose tooth to a Nerf dart and shot it off but still no luck.

The weather this spring has been very strange.  We ended up getting some snow while the Hammer's were here.  The kids loved going out and playing together in the snow and mud from melting snow.

This picture is so fun.  It shows how everyone was in the mud!!  They were soaked when they came in…hot cocoa for everyone!

Landon and Carter even managed to build the smallest snowman and hopefully the last snowman of the season.

See you later snow!  Good Riddance!


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