Stories of our lives

Landon story for today: after school Landon found a penny in the parking lot. When we got home he ran inside to go to the bathroom. I came inside and I could hear him wailing from the bathroom. I ran in because I thought he was hurt or getting sick...nope he dropped his lucky penny in the toilet while he was holding his penis to pee. I rolled up my sleeve and fished that stinking penny out of the potty! Oh the things you do for your kids!

Last week, I came downstairs from getting ready in the morning.  Nolan looked at me and said,"Mama you beautiful!" This was the first time I have ever heard him use this word before.  It melted me…he saved the first time to say "beautiful" on me!  Such a mama's boy!

Bob and I have been working with Landon on reading his sight words.  One night we walked into the kitchen, this is what we saw…Nolan testing Landon on his words!  So sweet!

Recently Carter was involved in a mishap on the playground (minor situation-fighting over who would help a friend up from falling)as a result he ended up in the principal's office. I was so embarrassed and mortified that he ended up in the principal's office.  Whether this situation was worth the trip to the office or not it needed to have consequences.  I gave him the opportunity to explain but his story always ended with everything being an accident on his part. Consequences for this were: no technology for a week and daily added chores.  A friend of mine always says "make the consequences real so that they will never want to repeat it again.".  Great advice, right??  So Carter began by matching all my shoes in my closet, organizing them by season, and dusting the shoe shelf…the remainder of the week: wiping down baseboards, washing windows, and writing spelling words repeatedly.  I am pretty sure it won't happen again…Life lesson!

Today while driving to school I said to Landon, "Did I ever tell you I love you so much?  I love you to pieces!"  He immediately followed that with, "I will cut you with a knife in the heart!"  and then laughed so hard.  I am telling you what, that boy is always looking to get a reaction from me!  I am going to miss it when it's over but that boy is full of spunk!


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