Sickness be gone...

The first day back to reality after the weekend of Grandpa's funeral, Nolan became sick.  I walked into Becky's after school and he was laying on the couch.  He felt warm and when I picked him up to leave he proceeded to throw up on us both.  Down the front of my coat, his clothes, and my clothes were covered.  We went straight home…Nolan jumped in the tub with a popsicle to try and bring his temperature down.  For the rest of the evening he just laid around on the couch as Carter and Landon played right beside him.  A few hours after he went to bed, he came over to the foot of our bed and was just radiating heat.  I checked his temp and it was 104.6.  This was one of the highest temperatures I have ever seen.  I jumped in the car and we went to the ER in Amherst.  After about 2 hours, the temperature came down and the ER doctor told us it was the RSV virus that would have to run its course.  I stayed home with him on Tuesday and then Bob stayed home with him on Wednesday because we just couldn't get his fever to stay down.  On Thursday, Nolan finally went back to Becky's on the mend.  At the end of the school day, the school nurse brings Landon down to my room with chills running a fever of 101.6.  Here we go again.  I stayed home with him on Friday from school.  At the beginning of the day he was acting fine and he didn't have a fever until right around 11am, the fever slowly began to rise.  By the time we got to the school to pick up Carter, he was about 102.  He still had some energy but not himself.  Now, I know that the next move probably goes down as a "bad parenting decision" and I take full responsibility.  Fridays from 5-6pm Carter and Landon play indoor soccer.  I got them all suited up and with Nolan we roll up into soccer.  Landon seems to be doing well and I told him if you start to feel bad just come out and sit with me on the sidelines.  Nolan and I were kicking the ball around when he starts to cough.  He coughed so hard that he made himself puke.  My first instinct is to catch the vomit in my hands.  As he continues to cough and throw up into my hands I get him to follow me over to the nearest trash can.  The parents watching their children play soccer now are watching all that is unfolding in front of their eyes.  Nolan and I get cleaned up and at the next water break I grab Landon and Carter and we head home.  In the car, Landon starts coughing and luckily I had a plastic bowl in the van and he gets sick into it.  We were a hot mess…lesson of the night…no need for soccer just stay at home and rest.

If you know me you know that we Boone's don't often stay at home without plans during the weekend.  Bob talked me out of having Landon go to their first basketball game at the YMCA.  Carter played great!  He loves to race to the end of the court to be the first one there.  When we got home, I was rocking Nolan for a nap while Bob took the boys outside.  Carter jumped on the bike without training wheels and began riding.  This is something that we have been working on since the beginning of summer.  He would not do it.  He boycotted it so bad that he barely rode his bike all summer.  The look on his face when he came into tell me and beg me to watch him was amazing.  It's funny how in my mind I need to push him to complete big tasks but if I am just patient they tend to all work out just fine.

This guy on the other hand…one of a kind!

The weather was wonderful and with hopes of everyone breathing in fresh air and curing our sickness we went on a nature hike.  In Westlake, Bradley Woods is a park with lots of trails.  We had never been there before so we were excited to explore.  The boys are in seventh heaven when we are outdoors with mud, nature, sticks, rocks, and water. It is pure enjoyment for me!
The little ponds were frozen over and the boys spent quite a bit of time throwing rocks and sticks on top. They were so curious and wanted to walk on the ice at every chance they could get.  We talked about how dangerous it could be and ways that we could safely have fun on the ice without getting hurt.

How can you not smile when you look at this picture??  

Look at the love they have for each other just at this moment…doesn't happen very often so I am trying to embrace it!!!

Where would a boy be without his stick! They carried these sticks all over the hike (beating tree trucks, digging holes, crushing ice chunks, sword fighting, etc). 
Even though we were a little under the weather we won't let that come between us and a chance to be together making memories. 


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