So lucky to be a mother!

Mother's Day is a holiday that I look forward to even more now that I really am a "mother".  This year when I was looking for a gift to get for my own mother, I just wasn't satisfied with anything that money could buy.  Lightbulb…what we really want is TIME…time to be together.  Don't get me wrong we (meaning my mom, sister, and I) get together quite often but we are always distracted with caring for 5 little ones running circles around us that we never can finish a conversation.  So we booked a one night stay at the Mohican State Park Lodge, just us girls, to celebrate Mother's Day together.  
Friday, Bob was the chaperone for Carter's field trip to the Farm, so after school he picked up all three boys and had a "boys day".  Before he got the boys he was sure to load up my car with an ice filled cooler of soda, water, and adult beverages to share with Maw Maw and D.  After school, I jumped into the car and drove down to the lodge.  We all arrived within 10 minutes of each other and we were out of control from the moment I put the car in Park.  Danielle and I were wrestling, jumping on beds, and swearing like sailors…these behaviors are a direct result of not getting out much without children! My dad drove mom down so he lucked out and got to spend the evening with us and then he quickly left after dinner when it was more than he could handle.

Time for some bubbly!

Who brings this gal to the party???

Dinner outdoors on the patio, burgers with pretzel buns, sunsets=fun times!!!

That night we spent time walking around the lodge grounds drinking wine, relaxing, and just talking without interruptions.  It was just stinking great! We were in bed before 10pm and a downside of the trip…Danielle and Mom sleep with the TV on.  In the middle of the night, it felt as if the lights were on because the TV was so bright.  I woke up and found the remote and turned it off.  Just when I was dozing off, Danielle gets up, huffs and puffs, and says, "Who turned the TV off? I can't sleep I can hear everything." On went the TV again…so much for sleep.  We were up early (7am) so Danielle could run up and down the hills of Mohican.  Mom and I decided that it was more important to drink coffee together while we watched boats fish on the water below. Next, we put on bras and headed out for a hike on the trails.

There was a lot of random ridiculousness.

As we were hiking we noticed these teenagers who had found this waterfall off the beaten path so we thought we would head down to check it out.  Needless to say it took quite a bit of coaxing Maw Maw to climb down these tree roots to get to the base of the waterfall.

After finding the waterfall, we strayed from the path and made our way through the forest.  I tend to be a little bit more of a daredevil than Danielle…we found a tree that had fallen into the river and I got Danielle out on the tiny limbs of the tree, jumped up and down (a.k.a. earthquake check), and tried to push her off.  She did not like that!

Look closely at this trail that is seriously headed in a 90 degree angle up to the parked cars…Danielle is the white dot in the middle running up the steps to the top. Insane in the membrane.

For lunch we found this amazing hotel called The Castle…check it out for a getaway because each room is a suite built into this beautiful wooden castle!  There is a small quaint restaurant where they have speciality salads and sandwiches.  We each lunch on the patio and Danielle drank a Moscow Mule. 

Maw Maw was not to thrilled with the Moscow Mule.

After lunch, we decided to try out kayaking down the Mohican river.  The debate was whether to get our own kayaks or buddy up.  While in line, Danielle asked the workers if there was a three person kayak so she could sit in the middle while Mom and I paddled…can you believe this yahoo? After getting our own kayaks we set sail down the river.
Before long, Danielle had her county music blaring as she cracked open an ice cold beer.  True country girl!

The sun shined down on us as we paddled down the river.

I can't count on my fingers and toes how many times I heard mom say, "Oh, this is just so wonderful."  We had to make it into a drinking game because she was just enjoying herself so much!  It is official, this will be a yearly mother's day tradition.  Time together is worth more than anything money can buy!  

While I was away for the night, Angie came down to help out Bob with the boys.  This was super nice for them and for her too to have time with just the boys! Here are just a few photos I got while I was away. I don't even think that they noticed I was gone.
Grandma made it down to spend Mother's Day with her boys.

Bob was able to take Grandma Angie out for a wonderful evening at the Wine Vault in Vermilion.

Sunday, Mother's Day, was a beautiful day also where we just spent time together.  The boys had been anxiously waiting to give me their homemade gifts.  I loved my thumbprint necklace from Carter and drawn picture plate from Landon.  
My only request was a photo with my sweet boys.  They insisted that it be taken while they climbed the tree in the front yard…Perfect!

The best gift I have ever been given was the opportunity to be a mother.  Though it might stress me out and make gray hair come in from the roots, it is something I can't imagine my life without.  These three boys make each day full of moments I never want to forget.


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