Landon graduates!

It's hard to believe that Landon's preschool run is over.  The strides he has made academically this year are amazing.  He started the school year writing his name with only a letter L and a squiggle line as the rest, and now he is writing his whole first name.  He can count to 100 by 1's and writes all his numbers from 1-20.  He now knows all his letters uppercase and lowercase and almost all of their sounds.  All of this is huge, because if you know Landon you will know that he would rather be outside playing than inside the walls of preschool.  I owe this to the wonderful Mrs. Michelle Fortner, his preschool teacher. I had two of her children in my classroom and I have been lucky to have her teach both Carter and Landon.

Last week, our schedule was a little crazy (Bob was in Chicago for work, Landon's graduation, Carter's zoo field trip, and getting ready for my eye surgery…thank goodness Maw Maw was here to help).  Trying to prepare for an easy evening of enjoyment at graduation, I bought Landon a new outfit with "soft shorts and no collared shirt."  By doing this I thought I played my cards right to ensure that getting dressed wasn't going to cause any meltdowns, but oh I was far from right.  Since we live in Ohio and the weather is unpredictable, the temperature was in the low 50's (if you stood in the sun) so wearing shorts would have caused quite a few looks.  I laid out two pant choices, two button down shirt choices, and two short sleeve choices…NONE of them were something he wanted to wear.  So began the 40 minute meltdown…bless her heart, Maw tried so hard to help but NO Dice.  We dressed both Carter and Nolan in similar clothes with hopes that might entice Landon to settle on something.  He wanted to dress like Nolan until he looked at himself in those clothes, but by that time I was dragging him into the car.  He cried the whole way there and then refused to get out of the car or go into his classroom.  I finally carried him into his classroom and peeled the spider monkey grip from my body and walked out to find a seat.  I wished his teacher good luck and hoped she could work her magic.
It's a standoff!

Not sure if you can tell by this picture as they are walking in but, he has his arms crossed with his angry face on.  This made me giggle because it verified how strong willed he is!  Carter said, "I wish I could just talk to him because I could make him feel better because he is far from being happy."

Yep, that's him front and center with his arms crossed and grumpy face through the whole singing performance.

Thank goodness he busted out his big "cheese" for his diploma acceptance.

They presented a photo slide show from the school year and I luckily snapped this picture of both boys watching together.

Becky, the super hero babysitter, and the boys!

What a crew!

Morgan and Darren Frenk with the boys!

If after all the tears, mean words, kicking, and screaming…this is the smile I get…it was worth the fight.


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