Visit with Santa

It's time for the annual visit with Santa.  This year we decided to try a new location because a friend from Michigan mentioned a "free" Santa photo shoot at Cabela's. The boys had never been to Cabela's so it was a good excuse to show them the store. When we walked in they were amazed by all the animals.  Their favorite part was when they found these crazy cap guns and were using them to pretend to shoot all the animals.
Santa was set up in the cabin upstairs and when we arrived we were the only ones there.  Carter ran up and jumped on his lap and quickly started reciting everything on his list.  Landon and Nolan were a little reluctant at first.  I pulled Landon off to the side and said, "Look Landon, this is not the real Santa.  Santa only comes on Christmas Eve so this is just Santa's helper."  He quickly jumped up on Santa's lap and told him what he wanted.  Bob looked at me with wide eyes and said, "What are you doing???"  Yep so I might have ruined this for future years but the words started coming out of my mouth without hesitation.  So far I haven't seen any repercussions from this event but please keep your fingers crossed.

Nolan was less than excited to sit with Santa


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