Boys, boys, boys
Here are just a few recent photos along with some great stories I don't ever want to forget!
On a drive home from school, Carter was playing the drums to one of our favorite dance party songs. I said, "Wow, you are good at playing the drums!" He says, "That's because I am going to be a rock star and an art teacher when I grow up!" He proceeds to say, "I will have to play my concerts on the weekends and at night because I will teach during the day."
Landon has had some recent exposure issues. One of these happened at the sitter where he placed his penis on her glass front door! Yep, I was mortified and as punishment I made him wash all of the windows on the ground floor of the house.
Just when I thought it was a phase of the past, he was waiting to get into the bathtub at my parents house when I saw him place his penis where the paper goes in the printer. In shock, I said, "Landon, what are you doing?" He said, "Look mom it's just the right size." (meaning his height was just right for his penis to sit on the paper tray)…Oh the gray hairs are coming as we speak!
Nolan can express himself so well with just his facial expressions.
At the end of the day, there isn't any other place I would rather be!