Homecoming at defiance

This year our college, Defiance College, was inducting one of my most amazing teammates/friends in the whole world into the HALL OF FAME!  What an honor that is and we were going to be there to share that moment with her.  We packed up the kids and headed out after work.  Our plan was to jump out at the Toledo Zoo and check on the animals and get the kids out of the car seats.  To our surprise the zoo closed 30 minutes before we arrived…bummer.  Luckily I married Magellan and he found us a park close to water where the boys could do what they love most…throw rocks into water.  I was so much fun.

Next we loaded back into the car and made it to Amy and Tj's house.  That night Amy and I met T in Defiance for some celebratory beverages and conversation.  

When we returned home, Tj informed us that Landon threw up all over the floor.  It never amazes me because every time we get our families together someone has to be sick.  That's how we roll when we are together!  
Saturday was stinking cold…rainy, windy, and cold.  We bundled up 6 children and went to the tailgating, homecoming, and induction events.  The kids loved the jousting, bull riding, and free cotton candy.

Carter takes on Hailey

Super Strong Man Landon

Nolan couldn't get enough of that cotton candy

As half time approached, all the DC volleyball girls stood and cheered as we showed our support to T as she got her award.  Megan is such a kind hearted, positive, emotional, loving, (oh how the list could go on forever) woman that I am so lucky to have in my life.  We are all so proud of her!
We started as teammates, became friends, and now we are family.


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