Field trip with daddy

A house hold with two full time working parents can be quite busy.  It reminds me to take time when we can and enjoy what are kids are doing right then.  Bob got a chance to go on the preschool field trip with Landon to Burham Orchards.  As you can see the photo below, Landon was more than happy to share that experience with Bob.
In car dance party!

They toured the factory where they watched the apples be cleaned, inspected, and packaged for Walmart.

Riding tricycle bikes through a hay maze

Love this photo of the boys together picking out the best pumpkin

Morgan and Landon had a great time together on their field trip.  Landon was so excited to tell me all about how him and daddy rode a hay ride and picked apples together.  Those are the memories that make putting in those long hours worth it.


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