Happy Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  This year was exciting to be trick or treating at our new home in our new neighborhood.  Carter had decided to dress up as a pirate which I was stoked about because we had that costume in our dress up clothes.  Landon then followed suit and wanted to be a pirate also.  This made Nolan's costume easy because who doesn't love three pirates.  A few days before Halloween Carter changed his mind and wanted to be an Army man instead because a friend at preschool was going to be an army man.  This mama said, "No dice." He was going to be a pirate.

With no surprise, the evening was full of sword fights!

The boys enjoyed going trick or treating around the neighborhood.  They didn't last very long at all.  When they returned to the house they had more fun handing out candy then going and gathering it.

These are the cutest pirates


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