Great grandparents visit!

My grandparents have been wanting so much to come up to visit the new house and see the boys but our schedules have conflicted.  A few weeks ago my grandma called and they were able to drive up to visit and join us on a trip to the Cleveland Art Museum.  They are both in their 80's but are the spunkiest 80 year olds you have ever seen.  After church they drove up so we could eat lunch before and they could see the house.  They arrive with the biggest smiles and it never leaves their face.  The boys enjoyed showing them the house and all their toys in each room.  Grandpa and Grandma were trying their best to keep up.  Next we went to lunch where Grandma insists on paying the bill.  When I say insists, I mean demands because that is the first thing she said to the hostess when we arrived.  The boys were well behaved at lunch.

The art museum was hosting second sunday which meant that it was free admission and they had activities set up for the kids to do.  They used paper to create a plate of their favorite food and then painted with food.  Finally, we thought it would be great to check out the "art". Needless to say we didn't stay long because we were getting some angry eyebrow looks from others.

The whole crew

Nolan and Bob

Lunch time!

This shot was taken moments before Landon walks right into this glass window


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