
I apologize for the lack of posts but with the start of school, preschool for the boys, Bob traveling for work, etc. I am barely surviving.  Here goes nothing...School started on Aug 26th with the notion of me being a Kindergarten teacher.  I found out on that teacher work day that there wasn't enough enrolled K students to need another K teacher.  I wasn't too worried about this because I wasn't worried about not having a job I was more concerned with how could I get everything ready to go for wherever I was going to be placed for the start of school.  By the end of the first week we had just enough students for another classroom so I scrambled to go through the remaining items left by the retired teacher before, sort through my materials that had been in storage for two years, and create new things to be ready for students.  I am telling you it was a whirlwind to say the least. 
As the school year began I quickly realized that teaching K is so different than 1st or 2nd grade. There have been many times that I have been shocked catching myself flabbergasted with the basic things you have to teach them...such as standing in a line, being aware of their own surroundings, pencil grip, cutting with scissors, using a clipboard, etc. Kindergarten teachers all get an extra halo as they enter heaven for all they do because it is a different world they deal with. 

Balancing a full time job and being a full time parent is almost impossible.  After school each day I feel like I have been run over by a truck but realize I have to been on my A game because I have to be "mom" for the rest of the day.  I try to find something I can do with the boys after school for fun like storytime at the library, a trip to the beach, or play time at The Little Gym.  We are stretching ourselves so thin. 

I know this all sounds like excuse after excuse for a pity party but I am very happy to be doing what I am doing.  I love to teach!  I am very lucky to be doing what I love!
Be sure to check out my classroom


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