
Showing posts from February, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is close to my favorite holiday!  I am a sucker for all the gooshy smooshy love stuff.  I know many people feel it is a holiday created by the card companies but nope not this gal!  Carter celebrated Valentine's day in his preschool a week early due to parent teacher conferences.  He was so excited to put the Valentine's into everyone's bag.  I was teaching PAT during his party but with the help of some moms they came in and let me run down to the party.  Landon jumped right in with the fun activities.  Carter was so proud to have his brother there and was having such a great time.  It is fun to just step back and watch from afar as he interacts with classmates.  He surprises me! Look at the smile on his face...priceless!   On Valentine's Day I decorated the house with hearts of every color.  I had streamers hanging down from the ceiling over the stairs.  The boys were so excited when they woke up.  Carter said, "Mommy can we go t

Weekend Fun

Weekends are what I look forward to so much!  On Friday all the crazy ladies met at the PAT classroom for a playdate.  This is ideal for me because it is such a huge room full of toys, games, art supplies, and so much more.  The kids can run and play and wear themselves out! That is exactly what they did too! Jackson loved climbing to the top of the climber and sliding down the slide! Ashley helped manage a puzzle  Carter and his buddy Hudson! Hudson and Landry being silly! After the playdate, we got in the car and drove to Ohio to spend the weekend at my parents house.  On Saturday we ventured over the indoor carousel in Mansfield.  I had never been before and I knew the boys would love it.  We jumped on the carousel and let the boys choose which animal they wanted to ride.  Carter chose the closest horse to the entrance gate.  Landon walked around the whole thing to look at each creature.  This reminded me so much of how Bob and I shop.  I run in and grab what

Potty Master and No Nap Magee

Changes are coming our way fast!  Having two in diapers is costly...believe me we have done it before and my wallet is still crying.  As we approach the birth of baby #3 getting Landon out of diapers became a top priority.  He was not really interested and almost kinda scared at first.  He could and would tell me as soon as he finished going potty in his diaper that he needed to be changed.  He was also waking up in the morning with a dry night time diaper.  This was a sign for me to start pushing him into big boy underpants.  I don't mess around with pull ups we just switch to underpants cold turkey and just carry quite a few change of clothes with us.  When he realized that he was wearing underpants just like Carter he was hooked.  It took about two weeks of hard core potty training but he is going on the potty like a champ.  Every time he goes on the potty we all celebrate and everyone gets a treat.  Carter is extremely excited about this and often begs Landon to go potty so he

Life is a Chore

I have been looking for a way for the boys to be more responsible and confident in our everyday doings of our family.  Creating a chore chart for the kids to earn rewards came to mind so I created a chart for each boy.  I used pictures of what tasks they should complete and a picture of them at the top for ownership.  We have been doing this for about three weeks and it is really working well.  They are making their beds, brushing teeth, getting dressed, picking up toys, putting their clean clothes away and eating well at dinnertime.  Each completed task earns a smiley face and then at the end of the week they get to choose a prize.  Here are their charts Showing off their airplanes they earned for completing chores It is really cute to see them help out around the house.  They are so proud of themselves.  Carter and Landon will both yell for me to come and see them make their beds.  Dinnertime is still like pulling teeth but consistency is what we are sticking to. Last w

A Date with Mommy

There are always activities going on here in Chelsea and we try to take advantage of as many as we can.  Landon had unexpectedly gotten sick so he missed out but Carter and I went to The Mother and Son Magic Show.  I was very excited about this event but I waited until the last minute to tell him just in case we wouldn't be able to go.  When we arrived he was so excited because they had ice cream sundaes for us to make and enjoy.  As we found a seat we noticed there were quite a few friends that we knew there.  We sat with Lucas and Deborah which made Carter even more excited that he could share this night with his friend Lucas.  After we finished our ice cream we walked down to the auditorium where "Magic Joe" the magician was set up to perform.  Carter and Lucas insisted they sit next to each other to watch the show.  They were giddy with excitement and their eyes were glued to every move the magician made.   Look at this goon holding onto his ticket Every tim