Carter: The King of Firsts

It has finally hit me that Carter is growing up and he is doing it so fast.  Here are all of the "firsts" he has had in the last week.

First Movie at the Movie Theater 
We have been discussing taking the boys to their first movie theater movie but we have been worried they wouldn't sit well for the whole thing.  Me being the cheap skate that I am didn't want to pay for the movie if the boys would only last for twenty minutes.  I recently got an email from the local theater that they would be offering free kids movie showings on Saturday mornings.  So Saturday we went to see Madagascar 3.  Carter was so excited.  Bob insisted that even though the movie started at 10am and we had just come from breakfast that we needed a bowl of popcorn to complete the experience. The place was jam packed to the crizzack!  We ended up sitting in the fourth row from the front.  Carter held onto his ticket the whole time.  Landon sat in my lap but was ready to walk around about 30 minutes into it.  He fed me popcorn for awhile.  Carter got up to walk our aisle in the middle of the movie but hung in there until the end.  He told everyone that we saw that day he saw Madagascar 3 at the movie theater.
They have the "golden tickets"

Watching the movie so quietly!

First time for Jr. Church and Awana
On Sunday at church since Carter is 3 years old he was now old enough to attend jr. church instead of just being in the nursery.  Bob and I were worried about this because the kids aren't dismissed for this until about 10-15 minutes into the service.  That meant Carter would have to sit still until they were released.  He kept himself busy by searching through the Bible for pictures, eating fruit snacks, and watching kids doodle behind us.  He did great at jr church.  Then later that evening Awana church club started.  I walked Carter down to church from our house.  I told him that I would drop him off and then I would come back later after class to get him.  He was not worried at all.  Once we walked into the room, he said, "Bye Mom." I waited in the wings to see if he was going to freak out but he honestly didn't look my way at all.  

First day of Preschool
This was by far the biggest milestone of the week. Bob was able to stay home in the morning and my mom came up to see him on his first day too.  We got up that morning and he had breakfast and got dressed.  He showed us all how he could put his bookbag on all by himself.  Landon wanted to be just like Carter so he had to put on his back pack too. I enjoyed watching the excitement of the unknown from both boys.
Check out how excited Landon is!  I love this picture!

Family photo op before we all walked in!

Maw Maw is so proud!

He found his monkey name tag and was getting ready to hang up his back pack.

This has been Landon's reaction when he realizes that we are leaving Carter at school.  Meltdown right in the doorway.  Landon asks every ten minutes at least, "Where Carter at?" until we pick him up.

My mom always told me that we grew up so fast and I didn't believe her but she is so right.  I had a hard time realizing that Carter isn't my baby anymore and either is Landon.  They are growing up to be wild and crazy boys! Pray for me and Bob! :)


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