
Showing posts from July, 2012

Landon turns two!

On July 23rd, Landon turned two years old.  I know everyone says it but it is the truth...time stinkin flies by so fast! It seems just like yesterday when we brought him home and how worried we were about how Carter would react to having a brother.  Now it is such a joy to watch them create a bond of brothers that no one will be able to break.  They have their moments when they drive each other crazy but there is always that moment that melts your heart and helps you forget the ones that make you pull your hair out!  We are enjoying listening to more of Landon's language develop as he verbalizes more.  He used to call Carter, "Ca Ca" but know he says "Car Ter" two very distinct syllables.  He has begun to become very independent and  insist that "I do it".  It was so fun to watch your first child discover the world through their own eyes and it is even more of a blessing to be able to see another child do the same thing so differently than the first.  

Retirement Celebration!

My mom has officially retired from 33 years of teaching!  How amazing is that?  I am so stinkin proud of her.  She is an inspiration and has always been one of the main reasons I always wanted to be a teacher.  At the end of the school year many of her fellow staff members took her out and celebrated and had a little party for her.  She insisted that was enough, however me being the selfish one said, "Wait a minute...your family has yet to congratulate and celebrate with you!"  So she let my sister and I put a family party together at my sister's house in Columbus.  You  know we will use any excuse we can find to get family together! I didn't have to work on that Friday so I decided to take the boys to the Great Lakes Zoological Society.  Bob's sister, Katie, got us a family membership for the boys for their birthday...great gift that the whole family can enjoy together.  I asked my friend Kristen and her son Brett to come along.  It has just opened and it is a q

The Boone Brother Birthday Bash

This weekend was a jammed packed with fun.  It all started on Friday when my family came into town.  My parents, sister, her husband, Adelynn, and my grandparents arrived in time for dinner.  My friend Donna from work also came over.  We ate and chatted and started to prepare for the next big day.  When the day began the ball sure was rolling.  My mom was cutting veggies, Bob was grilling, Edd was loading, and the boys were really wound up!  When we got to the fire station it was all set up for a great party. There were three fireman there who were so kind and excited to able to help at the party.  As the kids started arriving they helped the kids climb into the firetrucks.  Carter was in heaven.  He was loving being able to be a fireman!   We had a hard time getting him away from the truck! Next, we had cake and ice cream.  The cake was big enough for both boys to blow out candles. Carter enjoyed hearing everyone singing Happy Birthday and Landon had an instant meltdown!

Art in the Park

I finally got a Friday off from work and I was so taking advantage of it!  Kristin and I decided to take the boys to the University of Michigan Botanical Gardens for their kids program.  We both had never been there before so it was all new to us. The weather was beautiful that morning!  The program was run by Uof M students and volunteers.  We met in the children's garden ampitheatre where they told us all the fun we would be having!  We first started my making a wind chime out of terra cota clay pots.  The boys enjoyed painting them while mixing all the colors together.  They were covered in paint which we later found out was not washable...seriously painting with children and the paint isn't washable? Look at how they are concentrating on their painting! What a great activity! Next station we headed to was a scavenger hunt...we called it an i spy search.  They gave each kid a paper with pictures of lawn decorations that we had to look for on our walk throu

Birthday Party Preperations

Big birthday parties are not what I am used to at all.  For the boys we have always just had a small birthday party with just family until this year.  I stumbled upon a great location which caused me to host a joint birthday party for the boys.  The Chelsea Fire Department offers a great package for birthday parties.  They will set up chairs and tables, let the kids climb and explore the fire trucks, use the jaws of life, and spray the fire hose...for FREE! I know so crazy, right!  The boys have been so excited for this great event!  I thought it would be a good idea for the kids to help prepare for their party.  The favor bags were going to be painted with black dots to look like dalmatian puppies.  In theory this looked great however when the boys started helping it didn't go as well as I thought.  It is all about the process...ha! Next, a party needs a pinata so instead of purchasing I thought we could make our own.  I researched the easiest paper mache recipe and we dug in. The

One Hot Wedding

On Saturday my volleyball teammate from college was getting married in Hillsdale, MI.  Bob and I made the short drive out to the wedding while my sister-in-law and the nieces kept a close eye on the boys.  I was so excited to go and celebrate and see college friends.  The only downside to this was that it was an outdoor wedding.  Yep, the temperature as we were pulling into the ceremony was 102.  There wasn't any shade so I knew that Bob and I were going to be a sweaty mess very quickly.  It was a beautiful ceremony at her mom's house.  She walked out of the back door and down the aisle.  The ceremony was short and sweet which was great because the beads of sweat were glistening on everyone's brow.  On to the reception...there was a candy table, chocolate fountain, hot munchies and cold veggies just to get you started.  Then the meal was insane with the amount of main dishes you could choose.  Bob's plate was overflowing.  Now you know when the music starts on the dance