Strawberry Pickin'

This last week has been crazy...I was working over 40 hrs, Landon was coughin his head off, Bob was not feeling well, I had minor surgery on my ear, etc.  We were in desperate need of a relaxation weekend!  If you know me then you know that never really happens but we really do try.  On Saturday we got up and went garage saling.  The first sale that we walked up to had a Thomas the Train toddler bed for sale. I just looked at Bob and knew that he was not going home without it.  I was trying to be the practical one because we really don't need another toddler bed but sleeping in a character bed when you are young is probably at the top of every kids to do list.  Carter is now sleeping in Thomas and Landon is sleeping in the fire truck bed which means that the crib is not being used.  It is so strange to see it all packed away...until the next time.   After we went to the garage sales we went out to Degroots U-pick Strawberry Field.  It is just in one of the neighboring towns.  I had been chatting with a girl that I worked with about wanting to do it so she passed along this location.  It is so stinkin cool there.  You jump on a wagon hooked to a tractor and they take you back to a field full of strawberries to pick.  Now my intention with the strawberries we picked was to just eat them but Bob insisted that he wanted to make freezer jam.  He cracks me up sometimes because if it is something new we are trying he wants to be the expert at it!  Always keeps me on my toes! When we got dropped off in the field I couldn't help but travel down memory lane to when my sister and I used to jump out of the car at my Grandma and Grandpa Hornak's house and run straight to the strawberry plants and pick them right off and eat them.  Those were the good ol' days.  We showed the boys which berries were good to pick and then we just picked like crazy.  Carter loved to bring the picked strawberries back to the bin and inspect them to be sure they were really red.  Landon just ate them all I think.

Quality inspector Carter

Check out all the strawberries we picked!
At Degroots they also have a little area with farm animals that you can feed.  They had goats, pigs, chickens, and peacocks. The boys loved to feed the goats.  Landon is a little obsessed with his love for goats.

After naps we headed to downtown Ann Arbor to have dinner and just check out the shops.  We ate at some brewery and the food was good but eating out with children is always an adventure.  The boys munched down some serious polenta fries.  As we walked around and visited several of our favorite stores...Cherry Republic, Rock Paper Scissors, and the chocolate store.  On our walk we found this alley way that was covered in graffiti.  It was really cool to see.  Carter loved telling us what letters he saw.

I have been wanting to blog about a silly story or something that the boys have either said or done because I know I will never remember later on so here is the latest story. I picked him up from daycare the other week and a teacher said she had to tell me something away from kids ears.  I instantly felt like I was in trouble.  She began to say that earlier they came in from outside and Carter was standing by one of the teachers who was having a conversation with a parent.  She looked down and he looked to be holding himself.  She said "Carter, do you need to go potty?"  He said, "Nope, I am just holding my rocks!"  I gasped when she told me this...I have never heard him ever call them this and I was mortified.  She continued by saying that the teacher looked back at him and rocks began to fall out of his shorts that he had brought in from outside.  Hope this made you laugh as much as it did me!


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