My heart melts...

Mowing the grass growing up was a chore that I was not allowed to do because my parents were worried I would run over my toes with the mower.  As you can only imagine I was a little clumsy.  However when my dad mowed the yard we were to stay indoors.  Interesting rule but let me tell you it was for our safety. My dad would mow over everything!  You could hear sticks, rocks, and anything else in the yard hitting the house as he mowed by.  My mom would warn neighbors to stay indoors or wear helmets if they had to be outside.  We laugh about this now but I am quickly reminded about it when Bob begins to mow.  He is better about picking up the big sticks that lay in his path but debris still flies.
The other night Bob started the lawn mower to mow the grass and I said, "Alright boys time to head inside." Carter looked at me and said, "Mommy, I mow the grass just like daddy."  He ran to his lawn mower and Landon was right at his heels to grab his mower.  They followed right behind Bob as he cut the grass.  At first I was frightened that someone was going to get hurt but when I saw how stinking cute it was I had to get over it. The boys followed Bob until the last blade of grass was cut.  Random people driving by stopped to say just how cute it was to watch them mow with Daddy!  It was a moment that I want to remember forever.


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