Recent events for the Boone's
Since we have moved to Michigan we have met some great people. They have great kids and we enjoy watching the kids play together. There is one little boy that seems to be Carter's partner in crime, Brett. Brett turned 3 on Christmas Eve and they were having his birthday party on January 14th. However this was a bummer for us because that was the same day of Danielle's baby shower. Since we had a conflict we had Brett over to our house for a birthday lunch. Carter and Landon both helped Brett open his gifts and then all three boys sat in Brett's mom, Kristin's lap to read a book Carter picked out about trains. The boys played and ran around the house until they were all ready to collapse from exhaustion. We had ice cream sandwiches made with chocolate chip cookies that the boys help me to make to celebrate. I hung up a "Happy Birthday" banner in the dining room and Carter just loved telling me that it was for Brett's birthday. I finally took it down today so you can only imagine how many times he told me about it.
The only game played was...on a paper plate on top of your head draw a baby...loved the end result
Carter and his friend Brett eating ice cream
Last weekend we had my sister Danielle's baby shower. She is due Feb. 27th so you can imagine she is really starting to show. I have really enjoyed her pregnancy with her questions, concerns, and gripes. She is really loving all the naps and foods that she would never usually eat. It has to be difficult being a personal trainer and pregnant at the same time. I love her bump. She is having a little girl and the nursery theme is owls. My mom and I took that and ran with it for the shower. We had a great time and she did too!
Owl cupcakes, favor bags, and mini diaper cakes...all ideas from pinterest!
The only game played was...on a paper plate on top of your head draw a baby...loved the end result
My sister and her husband, Edd opening gifts!
Last thing...I had a really tough day with the boys recently and thought I need to find a job fast! I looked online at the University of Michigan and Adrian College for part time jobs however there wasn't any postings that I was qualified for. I went to craigslist and looked under education. There was a position for an infant/toddler teacher at a daycare in a town nearby. It is part time Monday thru Friday 1-6pm. I applied, interviewed, and got the job. The boys come with me for...Free and I get paid. It works but is different. One day we had 11 children under the age of two...lots of dirty diapers, spit up, drool, and smiles. I am learning a lot from the head teacher who is a retired teacher. She worked in special education, in home care for special need adults, and with children with autism. She is amazin! The boys are doing okay with it...change is hard...they cry when I leave but are so happy when I pick them up at the end of the day. It is working out right now and helps me to feel a little self worth.