
Showing posts from 2012

A December Vacation to Dominican Republic

Earlier this year, Bob's sister Julie's daughter, Lauryn (Bob's niece and goddaughter) got engaged.  They decided to have a destination wedding in Punta Cuna in the Dominican Republic.  The idea of going was actually a possiblilty so we jumped on the chance to take a vacation in December with the boys.  It was a little crazy since now both boys were over the age of 2 and that means we had to purchase a seat on the plane for each of them.  None the less, this would probably be the only time we will get the chance to take them to the Carribean. The trip would last from Dec. 8th-Dec. 15th (Saturday to Saturday).  We got a hotel Friday night right next to the airport to help make the morning a little smoother.  This was great too because we could park our car at the hotel for the whole week.  On Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast, rode the shuttle to the airport, and got on the plane.  The boys were facinated by the moving walkways and the monorail within the airport

Santa's Lap and Christmas Party with friends

If you ever have to relocate to the state of Michigan, try to get as close to Chelsea as you can!  It is by far a great town to live in.  We love it here.  Just a small town feel with a great sense of community!  There is always something to offer here for families with kids!  At Christmastime they host a Hometown Holidays festival full of fun activities.  We were out of town last year so we are so excited to take part in it this year!  It started with cookie decorating at the Teddy Bear Factory.  The boys loved licking all the frosting and pouring lots and lots of sprinkles.  Next we walked over to the train station depot to do all the Christmas crafts for kids.  They created pinecone ornaments, coasters, marshmallow snowmen, and reindeer food.  The boys were loving it but it was jammed packed to the crizzzack and I was sweating! Needless to say these marshmallow snowman didn't even make it home! The next morning we headed to see Santa at Rainbow Childcare.

Carter's First Visit to the Dentist

This is a moment that I have been waiting for...Carter's first trip to the dentist.  Just like any other "first" this crazy mom had her camera charged and ready to capture every moment! We had been reading a book about going to the dentist at bedtime for about a week to help prepare Carter for the experience.  He was not afraid of going at all and was looking forward to it all week.  The Chelsea Family Dentistry is amazing!  The hygentist took me back first to show Carter what they would be doing to his teeth.  She let him put on gloves and a mask and even suck the spit from my mouth.  After I was finished they put him on the chair and got him ready to go. They asked him if he brushes his own teeth.  He said, " I put on the toothpaste and I brush my teeth but my mom helps me brush the back ones!" He was awesome in the chair while she cleaned and polished his teeth.  He chose chocolate flavor fluoride to have it cleaned with.  "It tasted like brown

Thanksgiving 2012

This year's Thanksgiving was held in Columbus.  We packed up the family and headed down on Wednesday evening.  I drove because Bob was unable to because of his foot.  We got to Danielle and Edd's pretty late but quickly went to bed because we had an early morning ahead of us!  Danielle had a brilliant idea to run a 5K turkey trot.  We were lucky because the weather was sunny and not too cold.  There was a race just for kids called the tot trot.  I had been telling the boys all about this for weeks ahead.  They would run 100 meters and get a t-shirt and a treat!  Carter was so pumped about this.  He would tell me over and over that he was going to win the race.  When we got there the amount of kids that wanted to participate was more than they anticipated so they ran the tot trot in phases.  Carter was upset about this because he knew he couldn't win if there were already groups of kids to go before him.  I finally persuaded him to run his best and we would all be happy at t

Surgery?...Why not!

One of the main things that Bob and I had in common when we first started dating was that we both enjoyed playing sports and were athletic.  He was on the baseball team in college and I played volleyball in college.  This was a great bond that we shared through college and once we graduated I decided to coach because I wasn't ready to give up sports quite yet.  Well, that was not for me...long story but Bob decided he should continue to participate in sports as a hobby.  I encouraged this in the early years because it was great!  He met new people, kept in shape, and could relieve some stress. Until...the injuries began.  When we first got married he was playing basketball and took an elbow to the eyebrow and ended up with stitches.  Later while playing softball he chipped his front tooth.  Finally he took his ACL while playing basketball or softball I can't remember because it seemed like it would never end.  Since we have had kids, playing sports has slowed down to about one

Capturing a Moment in Time

I'm going to say it again...Time just flies really does.  I am amazed by how fast the boys are growing up.  My head feels like it is spinning just trying to keep up with both of them and what they are doing or more appropriately...what are they getting into. I try to tell myself to remember specific moments in my head that I can refer to when I get know like 35...but I have decided taking pictures might be a better way to remember because I have pregnancy brain. Each year since we have had kids we have always had professional pictures taken of our family.  This is very important to me more than any gift you could ever give me.  I would do this more often however I can only get Bob to agree to do it once a year.  We usually do it during the summer but this year I thought why not try a fall photo shoot.  I was anticipating an exceptionally warm fall like last year but that quickly changed and it is pretty chilly now.  I was scrambling to find a date to get them ta