
Showing posts from November, 2011

Potty training begins again!

Carter has flour on his face while baking! Landon loves to show his belly button. So Carter has started to leave the room when he wants to poo so I have decided to use this as a way to get him to go on the potty.  Yesterday morning he took off up the stairs to his normal spot, "the cubby hole" and I said let's go on the potty.  I followed him upstairs and he was sitting there on the potty with his pants up.  I quickly pulled them down and we sang his ABC's and when he stood up there was a little turd in the pot.  I yelled for Bob and Landon who raced up to see it.  I said, "Look daddy Carter pooped a little rabbit turd in the potty." We danced, cheered and flushed it down.  He picked out a Cars 2 sticker and ate M&M's. Later that day we went to the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum and I noticed he was headed to hide to poop.  I grabbed him and raced to the bathroom.  He sat on the big potty while I held onto him and pooped!  He flushed it down an


I have to begin by saying, "I love the holidays!" I truly enjoy getting together with friends and family and eating until you have to change into elastic topped pants! We started our thanksgiving with traveling down to Bucyrus where my parents live on Tuesday evening!  I drove the boys down and surprised my dad!  My sister and her husband came on Wednesday night. On Wednesday night my mom began prepping the turkey.  Carter was so interested in seeing her clean and stuff the turkey.  He saw the turkey thermometer thing and said, "Me push button, make turkey talk!" We cracked up!  Bob and his mom came down on Thursday.  My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins all piled into my parents house and we ate for hours.  After eating on of my favorite things to do is browse the black friday ads.  Before kids Bob and I used to be the crazy black friday shoppers but now that the boys are here we value our sleep too much to use that time to shop.  On Thursday night Walmart start

Visiting with Friends

 Carter is a daredevil! My best friend Matt! Landon loved falling in the leaves! Can you believe that they are looking at the camera and smiling?  What a difficult task! The girls with the boys! Last week I headed down to Bucyrus because I had a 31 party in Columbus on Monday the 14th.  I have to tell you that this whole 31 thing I was so skeptical about it but I am loving it!  It is so much fun and I am meeting new people.  It's great!  Anyways on our trip down some of our friends from Cleveland drove to Toledo and met us for lunch!  We met Matt, Katie, and Fritz for lunch at Max and Erma's.  The boys were so excited to see them.  They spoil my boys like they were their own.  After lunch we headed to a park and the boys had a blast.  It is such a blessing to have such great friends who will make the drive to visit our kids!  Here are a few pictures from the park adventures!

A visit to Cleveland

On Friday we packed up the car and headed back to the Cleveland area for an eventful weekend.  Early Saturday morning my friend Alissa and I headed to a kids resale in North Ridgeville.  We love these things.  I got Carter some cute shirts and DVD's for the long car trips.  I can only watch Cars 2 so many times until I go crazy.  Then we ventured out to Fairview to have breakfast with the Rader's.  They have a little boy, Mason, who will turn 2 in February.  The boys played so well.  MJ made eggs, bacon, toast, hashbrowns, and cut up fresh fruit.  My boys ate like vultures.  They hardly ever eat breakfast foods so I was pleasantly surprised while I watched them shovel it in.  Next, we headed back to Alissa's house for a potluck luncheon with friends.  It was so great to see all the kids playing together and to get a chance to catch up with everyone.  Afterwards, we packed up the car and headed to Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky.  This is an indoor waterpark/hotel.  My mom met

It would only happen to me!

So last night Bob was working late, I decided to take the boys to the park to play. We took the wagon because I wanted the exercise and I was taking advantage of the brisk fall evening air to help wear them out!  While we were there I was chatting with a woman who had 2 kids, a first grader and 20 month boy and 7 months pregnant again. She was very friendly.  I was pushing Carter on the swings when her little boy started walking toward Carter in the swing.  I knew that Carter would knock him down as he walked through the swinging path.  I grabbed the chains of the swing and the back of Carter's head came back and smacked me in the mouth.  He instantly started wailing.  My mouth began to throb.  I grabbed him to console him and calm him down when I realized that I could taste blood.  I rubbed my tongue on my front two teeth and they were not pointed up and down but towards the back of my throat.  They kinda scissored too because my upper lip was stuck between them.  I was so embarra