
Showing posts from September, 2011

Our first playdate!

On Tuesday I hosted our first playdate here in Chelsea.  After inviting several new people that I have met only two people came.  Yep, punch to the gut but anyways.  A high school friend of Bob's came and brought one of her children.  It was very nice to catch up with her and for the boys to play.  Carter has such a difficult time with sharing.  I am hoping that it is just a phase that he is going through but wow, it can be a bit much.  Of course, when another child picks up one of his toys he instantly decides that what they are playing with is what he NOW wants to play with.  He will go and grab it out of their hands and take off running because that means he would have to be chased.  When he is finally caught he will then throw the toy directly at whom ever wants to play.  I cringe everytime this situation arrives.  After they left another mother who thought the playdate was at a later time arrived.  I gladly let her in and the kids played some more but it through off their lunc

Update: Boone Boys

Carter has become a talking maniac.  He is putting together sentences but he continues to talk about himself in the third person.  He said "luv u mommy" for the first time last week and it melted my heart.  I have been waiting for that day since he was born.  He still struggles to sleep through the night in his own bed.  Every night around 2am he comes to our bedroom.  I am not sure how to fix this because I don't want to close his door because that kinda sounds like child abuse.  Landon has become quite the screamer.  Carter is so rough with him that he screams at anything Carter does to him.  He is as stubborn as a mule.  If I say, "don't touch" he will touch it with his pointer finger and then look back at me and smile.  It can be very frustrating. He says mommy, daddy, uh-oh, and no.  He wants to do everything that Carter does.  I am so surprised by how fearless he is because he will try anything that he has seen Carter do.  Landon is still rocking only

Job Search!

Since we have moved I have looked for employment within the area.  I am very hesitant to go through the whole process of getting certified to teach in the state of Michigan because we are unsure of what the future holds.  I have been watching craigslist each day for positions that I can do while taking my kids because it will be very hard to find someone I trust with the boys as much as my sitter in Ohio.  In early August I interviewed for two different positions at two different locations for an infant toddler teacher within a daycare.  One was about 25 minutes away and after getting a tour I thought it wasn't clean enough for my children to attend and I wouldn't feel comfortable bringing them there.  The other was at a local daycare about 3 minutes from our house.  It was so nice and clean.  Each room had a teacher and an assistant which followed a set curriculum for that age group of children.  Children a little older than Carter knew all their letters, numbers, colors, and

Sickness Sweeps the Boone Household

Wednesday night right before bed my stomach started to feel queezy but I just chugged some water and headed to bed.  At midnight, Carter came crawling into our bed.  I laid him down next to us and he sat up and started puking like a fountain onto our sheets.  I quickly grabbed him and we headed to the bathtub where he continued to puke.  The craziness was that I started to feel sick at the same time and we puked together into a bucket.  We were a hot mess.  He was steaming hot and refused to take any medicine. When we woke up the next morning we were so sick.  I wanted to cry when Bob headed into work.  We spent most of the day on the couch cuddling.  Katie, bob's sister, came over to drop off Gatorade and popsicles at her lunch break.  As she was leaving Landon threw up on her.   Bob came home early and took care of us.  On Friday Carter got sick again and was running a low grade fever but Landon seemed to be doing well.  Friday night Carter woke up so cranky in the middle of the

Last weekend in August

Last weekend was a full weekend.  On Saturday morning the boys slept in!  Yeah!  Then we drove over to see Bob's niece at her vball tournament.  She is a sophomore and she is very good.  She was a serving machine!  We are so proud of her and love that we are close and we can go and watch more often this year! Next my Grandpa and Grandma Grocho came up to visit.  The boys were so excited to show them their new place and all the places in town that we like to visit.  We had dinner here at the house and then they walked with us downtown for ice cream.  It was so fun!  The left early the next morning when we left for church.  Grandma called me later in the week to let me know how much fun they had with the kids.  They are the spunkiest people I know.  Love them bunches!  Love this picture.  However if you only knew that Carter was dragging Landon. Sunday afternoon we took the boys out to Portage Lake.  Bob had been telling me about this lake with a nice beach and play are