Family Vacation!

On July 1st we started our week of family vacation to Myrtle Beach area!  We drove to Danielle and Edd's on Thursday night and woke up Friday morning to have family photos taken by D's wedding photographer.  I am so pumped to see them when she is finished editing them.  Then we drove down to about Winston-Salem area on Friday night!  Carter slept for 3 hours and Landon slept only an hour and half.  He was wailing the rest of the time.  This road trip has officially made him hate the car seat.  When we arrived on Saturday and got organized we headed over to a college friend's in laws (Mr. and Mrs. Lane). They live in a beautiful home on Pawley's Island.  The boys and Danielle went flounder gigging and unfortunately didn't even get to spear a fish.  The fish weren't big enough to catch.  Every day of the vacation we spent the early morning at the beach.  Carter loved the beach.  He would run into the waves screaming and run away from them screaming and giggling.  Landon was very hesitant when the water came towards him but he loved the sand.  He spent most of his time digging in the sand.  After our daily trip to the beach we would head back for lunch, showers, and naps!  Wow, do I love vacation!  On the fourth of July we went back over to the Lane's home where they had prepared a old southern boil.  This consists of using a deep frying turkey bowl to boil many ingredients and spices.  They tossed in potatoes, sausage, shrimp, and corn on the cob.  The meal was fantastic.  After we were full we headed out to their dock and watched about 6 different fireworks displays.  We taught Landon to say "Ahhh" when he saw a firework.  Carter was frightened at first but by the end he was shouting at them.  On vacation each year we have a "girls day" where mom, Danielle, and I treat ourselves to a manicure and a pedicure at a local spa.  We had a blast.  The boys spent a few days golfing at the local courses.  The trip home always seems longer than the trip down and we were so glad to be home and out of the car.


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