Carter's 2 year checkup

So now that we are in Michigan we had to find new pediatrician for the boys.  I found a woman whom I really seem to like and she is very sweet with the boys.  I took Carter for his two year check up.  He is right in the middle with his weight, height, and head circumference.  While I was there I had quite the list of questions to ask her.
1. Bedtime bottle weaning--He only takes a bottle at night right before bedtime and I want to get rid of it. 
She told me that not only should Carter be done with the bottle but so should Landon.  That shocked me!  We tried the night before vacation to not give Carter his bedtime bottle and it was an unbelievable meltdown.  The night we got home from vacation we started "Operation Bottle Be Gone"  We changed up the whole bedtime routine and it took two days and we are smooth sailing without at bottle at all!  Now the night that I came home from the doctor I mentioned on the road to vacation to Bob the doctor said Landon should be done with the bottle also.  I kid you not I think he heard us talking because from the day forward he refuses to take a bottle at all!
2. Potty Training-I have to admit this whole procedure scares me.  I don't have a clue about how to do it right and I am so afraid I am going to screw it up and scar him for life.  The doctor suggested that we have him join us in the bathroom when we go potty and also start using the same terminology for #1 and #2.  Bob wanted him to say he had to "tinkle" and  "dump".  Wow, did I quickly veto those terms because I could never take Carter out in public if that's what we called them.  I don't know what to do with Carter's parts when he is going so I asked her should he stand or sit.  She thought sitting first would be best and also to suggest that Bob sit too to show him how it looks.  I wish that I would have taken a picture of his facial expression when I relayed this message to him.  "Not gonna do it," he said. I have been talking about going potty each day and this morning he sat on his potty and started peeing.  I was so stinkin excited but I think when he realized he was doing it, it scared him.  Hey, baby steps!

We have been really working with Carter to say please and thank you.  He has the please down to an art that you almost can't say no to but he doesn't care to say thank you.  Landon is a walking fool.  He is not a fan of being held anymore.  The boys are quickly using their mobility against me and running off in different directions. 


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