What's new with the boys!

Landon is now almost 10 months and has two teeth on the bottom. He wants to do everything that Carter is doing. He refuses to eat baby food anymore. I know with Carter I would not give him "people food" until one year because that is what the doctor said. However with Landon if I followed that rule this kid would starve. He is a porker. He grabs the food and shovels it in by the handful! He is standing on his own and wants to walk but knows that he can get around much faster by crawling. He is a great sleeper. He sleeps in Carter's crib all night long!
Carter is a talking maniac. He loves to say "red" and "blue". You can be sure that I know where everything is that is that color. My mom has started to tell him stories that she makes up to get him to fall asleep. He loves this but requests that all the stories be about him. (a little self centered right now!-we will work on that) He also loves that all the characters in the story be animals. Becky, our sitter is always a character in the stories. It is too funny because he will say Mommy bear, Dada bear, and Becky bear. To the outside ear you might think we have an open marriage--too funny! Carter loves bubbles and I think I should by stock in the bubble solution or just learn how to make my own. We have definitely started our "terrible twos". He has just started to hit when he doesn't get his way and use an angry voice when he is upset. He grits his teeth and holds his breath. I know what you are thinking...this is only the beginning...so say a little prayer for patience for me.
There are many moments that I catch myself just watching them together and thank my lucky stars for two healthy boys. Watching them interact is so much fun! I can't wait to see them play together. Bob doesn't think that they will enjoy playing with each other until they are about 3 years old...I am hoping he is wrong about that. I can't believe that Carter is almost 2 years old and that Landon is 1. How fast time flies!


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