Spring Break is Here!

Yeah! I am officially on spring break for this week! On Friday we headed to Kalahari to stay. We spent Friday and Saturday night there. Carter and Landon loved it! They were like little fish! Carter had to wear a life jacket while he was in the kids play area and I was worried that would cause a meltdown but not one evolved. He would climb up the stairs to the slides and go down saying "Wheeee"It was too cute. Both boys were wide awake on Saturday morning around 4:30am so Carter and I went for a walk through the halls and arcade of the hotel. My favorite part with the boys was the lazy river. They both were so relaxed and enjoyed just chilling in the raft with us. My parents came up on Friday and Bob's family came on Saturday so we had a blast with the family. On Sunday we had everything packed in the car except just the bare minimum for after the waterpark. Wouldn't you know it...Carter fills his swimmy diaper. Bob had just left for the car to get Landon's lunch and he didn't take his phone with him. I had told Bob that I was smelling poo but I thought that the life jacket Carter was wearing had poo on it...well it did however it was Carter's. Carter's dry skin is so itchy so I was rubbing lotion on it when I realized that not only was rubbing lotion on his back but also poo coming out the top of his diaper. I instantly grabbed the little bit of cash that I had and went to the gift shop where I purchased an extremely overpriced swimmy diaper and went to the locker room. I stripped him down and showered him off and then put the new diaper on. Boy, was Bob surprised to hear our story when he returned from the parking lot. After Kalahari, I headed down to Bucyrus with the boys and we are hanging out here for a few days and then onto Columbus to see the rest of the family. Stay tuned cuz I am sure there will be more stories.


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