And he is on the move!

Landon has started to crawl backwards. He would get himself backed into many corners but he was loving that he could move around. Just last week he started to go forward. Carter started to army crawl first but Landon is up on all fours. He is so stinking fast! Carter will put a toy down for a second and Landon is crawling toward it. Carter has perfected how to say "Mommy, No" when Landon does something that he doesn't like. Two weeks ago Landon was a coughing maniac to the point that he would puke. I took him to the doctor and she said it was a viral thing and that we should do breathing treatments. Wow! The process of giving breathing treatments is quite an ordeal. Carter learned very quickly how he could help turn on and off the machine. Then four days later, Carter had a fever and was just not his normal self. We went back to the doctor and he had a double ear infection and pink eye. We were a hot mess! They both wanted to be cuddled at the same time--which I enjoyed but it was difficult to do at the same time. Landon is now eating baby food and he is loving it. He wants to eat everything that we are eating too! I joke because if Landon could eat a T-bone steak he would. It is so cool to watch the boys interact with each other. Landon will chase Carter around the house and they just laugh and giggle.


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