Staying Home with the boys

Well, school has officially started and I have once again decided to stay home for awhile with the boys. I will return to teach on October 12th. There are days that I enjoy every minute with them and then there are times that I think going back to school would be a vacation. They are only little once and not many people have this opportunity that I do so I just grin and bear it! Landon's one month checkup was on Friday and he now weighs 10lbs 10oz which is a weight gain of over 3 lbs in one month. He is 22 inches long. The doctor seemed to think that was great however I am worried that he is going to be our porker. Bob reminded me about how Carter gained a lot at first and then began to plateau a few months into it. He is an aggressive eater and the scale reflects that. He is still getting up at least 3 times to eat throughout the night. Carter has started to wake up in the middle of the night in a crying rage. We have let him cry it out but it never ends. After 30 minutes I thought he was going to throw up he was so worked up. Bob went and got him and he couldn't get himself settled down for another 2 hours. I am not quite sure what is causing this but it makes the nights rough for both Bob and I. Last weekend Danielle, my sister got married and it was amazing. I took the camera with hopes of lots of great shots, however I took one photo of Bob and Landon at the rehearsal dinner. It was so crazy the day of that I didn't remember at all-I am hoping that the photographer took a few and that relatives have some also. This weekend we had a wedding reception to go to so my parents both stayed to help take care of the boys. They had a blast with them. Today was a beautiful day that we spent relaxing outside with them. My mom's friend passed along a toy lawn mover that makes noise when you push it for Carter to have and it has been so funny watching him push it through our yard. Today my cousins Brian and Teri Stuckey had a beautiful baby boy named Tyler John Stuckey. They have a 4 year old girl named Erin Nicole that we have spoiled for years and are so blessed that they were able to have another and it be a boy! We are headed down to meet the new addition this weekend! Can't wait to hold another little dude!


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