Our last weekend with an only child!
This weekend we journeyed down to Columbus. We decided to head to the Columbus Zoo. I love that zoo and Bob had never been there before. Little did we know that it was going to be 90 degrees and Kidsfest at the zoo! Wow, were there a lot of people there. It was alright because everyone was sweating together! My cousins little girl, Erin, went with us and she has a zoo pass so she was our little tour guide. We saw the whole zoo and some. We saw the baby elephant and manatee. Carter was really into the zoo this time more than ever before. He was pointing and talking up a storm at each exhibit. He loves watching the fish. He said "ish" every time he would point to a fish. After the zoo we headed to my sister's house to their deck party. Edd has been working very hard on completing their deck in time for this weekend. It was beautiful. My grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles were there. It was good to see them one last time before the new baby arrives because traveling with 2 kids has to be harder than just 1. Carter was a maniac all day just constantly moving. He took a 20 minute nap yesterday. We could not believe how active he was all day long. At D's he was playing corn hole, climbing up the deck, running in the yard, and dancing to the music. He was a sweat hog! We hopped in the car last night and drove back to our house. He was fighting sleep for a good 25 minutes and then just fell asleep in the car. He woke up right when we pulled in the driveway but Bob got him back to sleep. He woke up this morning around 8:45am which was unbelievable! That is the latest we have slept in since we brought him home from the hospital. Friday is the magical day--the new guy is scheduled to arrive.