Vacation Fun!

We have just returned from our vacation to Pawley's Island, South Carolina. We left on Wednesday evening after bath time, drove straight through the night, and arrived around 7:30am. Carter did very well on the trip down. He slept through the night and woke up right around the time we got there. We met friends from college there. We had a blast. We spent most of the time either at the beach or at the pool. This was Carter's first time to the ocean. I was worried that he was not going to like it but boy, was I wrong. He loved to walk toward the waves and dig in the sand. At one point he was crawling on the beach and he put his face down to taste the water. Yuck! He also tasted sand several times. We saw dolphins on the second trip to the beach. One night we had dinner at a Japanese restaurant. He loved their food but the clanging of the knives freaked him out. The last day we were there we went down to Columbia, SC to visit some more friends. It was a very hot day that we spent sightseeing and walking through the town. That is a very cool city full of old beautiful homes. We ended the day with a trip to the fountain which Carter loved. He was crawling around and splashing to help him cool off! We drove home that night and it was not as smooth as the way there. Carter woke up several times crying because he didn't want to be in the car seat any longer. I could not get comfortable so I was cranky and Bob was a trooper for driving so long. When he couldn't drive any longer we pulled into a gas station for a quick nap. I drove the last 2 hours of the trip through the rain storm that caused tree damage in many areas close to Cleveland. I had white knuckles when we reached home. I hope that next time if we drive we won't do it all in one day.


ML said…
What cute pics! Love the ocean fun one and of course the ones of "the two Bobs". Looks like fun was had by all!

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