So Much So Fast!

These past few weeks have been a blur and here's why...On April 8th we decided to put our house on the market using a realtor. We then had a family walk through the house on Saturday April 10th and make us an offer. We counter-offered on Sunday and they accepted on Monday. We then began our house search. Bob spent many many hours on the computer researching listings and driving around to find houses to walk through. On Saturday April 17th we went through 7 houses with our realtor in various cities and found one house that we both just loved. On Sunday April 18th we went through that same house again with my mom and his mom during the open house and they loved it too! On Monday we went through 4 more houses just to make sure that the one we loved was "the one." On Tuesday I was sicker than ever. Still not sure what it was but had to travel to the hospital to have bloodwork taken to make sure it wasn't my appendix. The baby is doing great and I am now feeling better. On Wednesday my dad and our friend Kasey Studer from college who builds houses for Wayne Homes came up to take one more look at this house before we placed an offer. As we were leaving the home a family who we had seen at the open house on Sunday were walking in with their realtor. Our realtor called the seller's realtor who told us they had another family interested in the house too. We stopped at one more house and then headed back home to think things over. Our realtor came to our house around 10pm and we wrote our offer. She left to fax it to the realtor and the seller's realtor called and said she already had the other family's offer. So our realtor came back to us and asked if we were willing to raise our offer just a bit before she faxed it in. We raised it just a little and the seller realtor called us back and said that we won the offer. I thought that this meant we got the house however it just meant that we won the right to negotiate with the seller and the other family did not. The seller's came back with their counter offer after midnight and said we had to make a decision by 10am or they were pulling out to negotiate with the other family. We took the counter offer they presented and now we have a new house. Isn't that crazy! We had never expected our house to sell that fast-ever! So each night we are packing boxes getting ready for the big move. Right now the only down side is that our closing date in Lorain is May 17th and our closing date for the new house is May 29th. Yep, you did the math that's about 12 days without a house--we are a little unsure about that and are trying to work something out with both sides to make it go smoother so we will see.


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