My Spring Break!

Today concludes my spring break from school! I have to tell you I am very bummed! I have had so much fun with the little guy! The first night of spring break Carter had a hard time falling asleep. We put him in the crib and about a half hour later he started to cry. We were letting him "cry it out" and I was watching him in the video monitor and noticed that he was standing up and then...reached out of the crib and opened the door. Yep! That was indeed a first. We have since then lowered the crib again so that he can't get out but he is adventurous and will try anything once. Monday we spent the day inside because the weather was crumby. I washed down walls, cleaned windows, and washed curtains while Carter played and crawled throughout the house. Tuesday we met friends at Crocker Park for lunch and he had a blast being the center of attention. Wednesday we went downtown to have lunch with Bob. When we got back the weather was so nice that we spent the afternoon outside reading books and blowing bubbles on the deck. Thursday we just hung out a home and soaked up the sun rays down at the beach! Carter has really started to get into things. He now can take the toilet paper off the holder and unroll it over the bathroom, flush the toilet, and empty out the baby wipes container. I have to laugh sometimes because he is so proud of himself. Friday Bob got out of work early and we headed to the Toledo Zoo. We met Donnie Goerlitz and his 2 girls along with Bob's mom there. It was a great day. The temperature was warm but the sun wasn't beating down on us! The animals were out and we walked around for a while. Carter enjoys people watching and animal watching! On Saturday morning we took the little guy disc golfing for the first time. He is definitely an outdoor kid. He loves to play in the dirt and just be outside. Sunday was Easter on the Boone side in Michigan. Today we met Kristy and Tyler for lunch and then my mom couldn't wait til this weekend to see Carter so she drove up after school. We walked to the park and grilled out for dinner and then she headed back home so she could go to school tomorrow. I don't want to go back to school tomorrow--I want to stay home with the little guy! I truly have had an amazing week with Carter!


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