It's true-Carter is going to be a big brother!

I'm not sure if you have heard the news yet but, we are pregnant again. And yes, it was on purpose. We wanted to have another one close to Carter. It took a while to get pregnant with Carter so we thought it would take a while with the next. However it was a little easier. We found out because at the beginning of December I thought I was sick with the flu. My mom asked could I be pregnant and I said I really don't think so but I will take a test just to be sure. It was for sure positive and so was the next one I took. I wasn't sure how far along I was at that time so the doctor suggested I come in for a blood test and ultrasound. The results show that the due date is July 30th and the baby is healthy and right on track. This time I am very sick. With Carter I was sick at my stomach but never threw up. Not this time, I am having puking rallies. It doesn't matter what I eat or when I eat there is a 50/50 change I am going to puke. I will be 13 wks tomorrow so I am hoping for the sickness to end soon. We will keep the same blog that will keep you posted on Carter and the new little one. We are so excited and can't wait to meet the baby. At the latest doctor's appointment Dr. Starck spoke with me about the upcoming delivery. I stated that I would like to not have a c-section this time. She then told me that I could rupture the previous incision since it could not be fully healed and tear along with that equalling 2 wounds. I quickly understood and said okay. We scheduled the c-section for July 20th. This concept was crazy knowing that we will wake up that day saying, "We're going to have a baby today!"


Unknown said…
Yeahhhhhhhhh we are so excited!

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