Homemade Baby Food!

For Christmas my sister in law got me a machine that you use to make your own baby food. This is something that I have wanted to do for quite some time. So this weekend we went to the grocery store and bought fresh fruit, veggies, and meat for me to use. I made him pear and apple cinnamon which at the first bite he made the strangest face. He looked like he swallowed a lemon. He was gagging but the more he ate the more he liked it. Tonight he had broccoli, chicken, and tomatoes. I steamed the veggies and fruit and then pureed them. I poured it into these silicone cups to freeze. He loved the chicken mixture tonight and it was his first time having meat.


Unknown said…
That is so neat! I really want one! You'll have to give me details on which one it is, etc.

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