Sick Little Man

On the week of Dec. 14 Bob was on his MULA. This is mandatory unpaid leave of absence. Eaton chose to do this instead of laying off employees. This sounds scary but has worked out okay for us because then Bob gets to spend lots of time with the little dude. On Thursday night of his week Carter got a fever of 101.5. We were scared because he hasn't even had a fever. We gave him Tylenol but it seemed every time the Tylenol would wear off his fever would spike again. On Friday Bob took him to the doctor and he had a right ear infection along with an upper respiratory infection. Poor little dude. He was miserable. He had a fever all day Friday and it really spiked at 103.5. We called the nurses help line to see if we should head to the er but they said give him a lukewarm bath and Tylenol. He splashed around in the bath for awhile and his fever broke early Saturday morning. Those nights were rough because he had a hard time sleeping. The doctor gave him amoxocillin.


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