Carter's First Christmas!

Christmas has been a lot of fun with the little guy. He doesn't quite get it yet but he had a good time trying to open gifts and visiting with family. Christmas Eve we spent with Grandma and Grandpa Grocho and family. He had a great time being hugged and kissed by relatives. Then Christmas eve night we stayed at my mom and dad's and it was a rough night. I am not sure if he was so excited for Santa to come or what the reason but he didn't sleep well. Christmas morning we opened presents with mom, dad, Danielle, and Edd. Then we had a birthday breakfast for my dad (55 years old) and Grandma and Grandpa Grocho came over to celebrate. We then headed out to lunch with the Hornak side and eat until we were full and then some. We headed back home around 4pm. This was nice because we were able to get back into the routine and he slept all through the night. We then left on the 26th around 3pm to head up to Michigan. We opened gifts with Angie and Katie that evening and then had Christmas lunch with the rest of the family the next day. The nieces, Breana and Tesa are so good with him. He had a great time. We headed home on the 27th and have been home ever since. We have been so fortunate because Eaton shuts down the week between Christmas and New Year so Bob and I have been home this whole time with him. We are really having fun playing with him and watching his new things he does. He is now holding his bottle all by himself. This is hysterical because when he gets to the end of the bottle he only uses one hand. It's too funny! Throughout the holidays I haven't been feeling very well so needless to say I haven't been producing much milk so we have decided to start him on formula. I was extremely worried about this transition but he hasn't had any issues so far. The whole "drying up" experience has been far from easy for me. I remember earlier I had mentioned that when the jugs were full it felt like boulders but I could pump up the jam to release some of the pain. However when you are trying to "dry up" you can't because that will tell your body to produce more milk and that is not what you want. So the first time Danielle noticed when she saw me was my right jug. She was freaked out by its size. I looked on the Internet of ways to dry them up fast. They suggested wearing cabbage leaves in your bra. So I did this for 6 days and it felt better everyday. I would get a whiff of cabbage every time I would get hot or move my arms. Today Bob was cuddling with Carter while he had a rattle in his hand. All of a sudden I heard quite a smack. Carter had whacked Bob right in the eye with the rattle and now Bob has ice on his eye to take down the swelling. This is just the beginning of the torture children do to their parents on accident.


micnauman said…
Addie and Carter have matching Radio Flyer wagons! I can't believe how big he is getting!!! We really need to schedule a visit before they're both heading off to college! :-)

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