The Little Man is growing up!

On Thursday we went to the doctor's for his 4 month vaccinations. I know he is 5 months old but that is when we could get in. He weighs 16 lbs. and 10 0z. 26 inches long. The doctor said he is right on track. He is about in the 65 percentile with height and weight. He is now sitting up on his own and getting to be such a big boy. The doctor said that it is now time to introduce rice cereal and then onto veggies. I am so excited. We had him in the high chair tonight having his first meal. He was unsure at first but then he started to eat. He likes to talk and blow raspberries while he eats so he blows the food everywhere. The feeding took a longer time than I thought...about 30 minutes. Each night we will add more food. Check out the video clip of him eating! Today he rode in a shopping cart without the car seat. He loved it. He was looking around and checking out everyone out.


kimi said…
What a stud! He's so big!

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