Carter's First Babble!

On October 28th Carter said da da. This was so cool. He kept saying it over and over and his tongue was just flapping around in his mouth. Since then he has hardly said it again but don't worry we are practicing it everyday. I had mentioned before that he was more vocal. His new thing is to make a strong tarzan yell. It's not screeching just a belly yell. He does it a lot in the carseat on our way to the sitters. With the weather being so unseasonably warm we had him out in the leaves. This was funny to watch him play in the leaves but he really just wanted to put them in his mouth. This past weekend he has been fighting a cold. Poor little guy has had a hard time breathing through his nose. We have an automatic snot sucker. This machine is a little thing that you put up the nostril and it sucks out the snot. He hates this thing. I have tried to sneak up with it but he still knows. The makers of this tool have also added music to the snot sucker so I play the music when I am getting ready to go in but he seems to know the music. Carter and I spent the weekend on the couch trying to sleep and Bob was under the weather also. We all have the sniffles but hopefully it will pass. Last week on the news, I saw that they were giving the flu and H1N1 shot at the Elyria Mall. After school I headed over and when I got there they said the flu shot was out in one hour so I would have to get the H1N1. So that is what I got. Carter is now sitting up on his own and really trying hard to stay up. Since he is doing so well with this we are breaking out his new toys. We have a doctor's appointment on Thursday where he will get his next immunizations and discuss introducing solids. That is something I am so excited about! Check back soon!


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