A Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Today was a beautiful day so we headed to Berlin Heights for a visit to Burnham Orchards. We walked out into the field and picked some pumpkins for our house and for me to use at school for "pumpkin science". Carter was dressed in his jack o'lantern shirt for the occasion and he fit right in. We also walked through the apple orchard and took some more pictures. Wow, has he become more "vocal" in the last week. He is grunting, howling, and just babbling like a crazy maniac. He loves his activity center where he bounces and sucks on all the toys. He is content in there for a while which helps me to get somethings done around the house. His hair is really starting to grow and thicken up. Bob tries every night to give him a mohawk with the 3 strands of hair after his bath. We are teaching him to reach for us when we pick him up. He is also giving kisses however they are always open mouth and full of drool.


Edd & D said…
He is beyond cute!
Katie C. said…
Love the pumpkin pic. A friend of my did one and cut leg holes too. You guys are such a cute family!
margiem3cf said…
I love the family picture..so cute!
matt said…
I love the pics...but I can tell you that hanging out with my buddy on Mondays is even better. He did nail me in the face with one of those wet slobber kisses Monday and then stole my glasses...He has grown so fast!

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