Carter Rolls Over!

On Saturday, Carter rolled over all by himself. He had been getting stuck on his one shoulder but all of a sudden he did it. Check out the video. I am officially back at work. I went back on October 1st. It was great to be back and on a routine but I feel that I am so overwhelmed with make up work. Carter has been sleeping through the night in his pack n play and we are loving it. We started using the lavender bath soap and lotion. We are also dressing him in the footed pj's. He is so smiley and laughing. He is a drooling maniac so we think that he might be teething or at least moving around.


margiem3cf said…
OH my gosh..he's so quick! ADORABLE!!!
Katie C. said…
Wow Heidi!! He is a fast roller! What a cutie!! Isn't it just amazing how fast he's growing!!
meg_NC said…
I'm finally caught up on all of my posts, and HOLY SMOKES what a gorgeous little man he is! I can't wait to meet him and kiss him and love on him :) I just look at the pics with a huge smile on my face. Love and miss my boone's!!!!

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