Growing Little Man

It has been quite a while since I have blogged. I apologize but being back at school has really cut down on my free time. Being back at work has been crazy. I thought that there wasn't enough time in the day when we didn't have Carter and now it's unbelievable. The mornings haven't been as hard as I had thought because Bob has been a huge help. We take turns with getting in the shower and getting him dressed and ready to go. Bob puts him in the car seat and carries him out the car while I follow with the many bags we have to take. He is doing very well at the sitters. My favorite part of the day is watching his face when I walk in the door of the sitter's after school. His smile can make the worst day better. He is really alert and always watching everything around him. He has found his feet and sucks on his big toe. This is a funny process to watch. It's almost Halloween and Carter is going to be a monkey. We have had so much fun dressing him up and trying to get some cute pictures.


Katie C. said…
Isn't it crazy how busy you become!! He is such a cute little monkey...Wesley is also being one! His doesn't have the cute feet/slippers thoughs!! Don't eat too much candy Carter!

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