
Showing posts from May, 2009

Less than a week!

On Wednesday we had our weekly doctor's appointment. It started at 10:20am so we arrived around 10am just in to be sure. We waited in the waiting room until 10:55am. I have to be back to teach in Vermilion by 11:45 for it to be a half day. So we had to reschedule because our doctor was running 90 minutes behind. We went back after school for the appointment. She did check my cervix and she said that it is thinning and soft. However, I have yet to start dilating . Aww , man! My doctor will be on call for this weekend, which is a good sign! However, next Tuesday is the due date! If he doesn't arrive by the due date we have an appointment for Wednesday June 3rd. At this appointment we will have an ultrasound and a non stress test to let the doctor determine what day will be best to induce labor. I am trying to be patient but it is really hard. My doctor asked if I was still working and when I told her yes she hesitated acted surprised. I told her we only have about

No Change!

Today was our weekly doctor's appointment. We were really hoping that she would tell us I was dilated but...not at all. My cervix is like a steel trap door. I have been doing squats, jumping jacks, lunges, walking, and walking the curb with hopes of shaking him down but not quite yet. Man, this waiting part is killing us! It's like having a Christmas present under the tree and having to wait until Christmas morning to open it up. If you know Bob and I, the longest we have made it to opening Christmas presents is December 12 th , so this is so hard for us. Bob keeps talking to the belly and telling him to come on out! After the doctor checked me out, I asked her if I go until my due date how long will we wait after that she said that we would not go longer than a week after the due date. So that means 13 days until the due date and then 7 more days after that--so he will be here within 20 days! Insane in the membrane! This weekend I am creating my playlists for labor. I will b

Weekend Shower Marathon!

This past weekend we enjoyed two showers. On Saturday night we had a coed shower at Dave and Buster's. This was all of our friends in the area. It was such a great time spent with wonderful people. All of the guests were so generous with their gifts and kind words. We partied until around 11:40pm and then headed home. Bob and I had to unpack the car and then repack for the Michigan shower the next day. I had the worst night of sleep on Saturday night. Bob and I were busy socializing with everyone that we forgot to eat. I had a salad and some nachos around 8 and Bob had just one of every appetizer which isn't a lot for him if you know him. So by the time we got home we were stinkin starving. I had a bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch and he had a granola bar before we crashed in bed around 12:30am. I was so sore all night long that I was up and down. I finally convinced Bob to get up around 6am and we had breakfast and took off for Michigan. When we got to Michigan we got the food arou

3 weeks left!

This past weekend Bob and I took our birthing/ Lamaze classes on Saturday and Sunday. I am so glad that we went because it did a great job of explaining relaxation strategies to use. We did see a movie of a real birth! Wow! What blew me away was that there was a big mirror at your feet so that you can watch what is going on down there. The instructor encouraged this as motivation to keep you pushing. Not quite sure about that yet-doesn't seem like my cup of tea. After our class on Saturday, Mom, Dad, Gma and Gpa Grocho , Danielle, and Edd came up and we went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate Mother's Day! It was so much fun! On Sunday we returned to the class! They talked a lot about the drugs that you will have on tap to use during this process. Then they showed a movie of a women getting an epidural . I looked over at Bob and he was as white as a ghost. I said, what's wrong. He said he wasn't feeling well and he was going to throw up and pass out b

Less than a month!

A lot has happened since my last blog. My laptop has a virus and I was afraid to post anything. It still has a virus so I am using my old school desktop from college. Anyways...this past weekend we put together the glider/recliner. It was a lot easier to put together than we thought! We also washed the bedding and got the bed ready! It is kinda surreal because he will be here very soon! Today was another doctor's appointment because from here on out we have weekly appointments. I had lost another pound but she thought that I would be consistent with this weight from here on out! She asked if I was in pain or had any contractions yet. On Thursday, I woke up with a very tight feeling across my stomach and she said that was the Taylor Hick's contractions (they are actually called Braxton Hicks but it is much more fun to call it that). Then we had a wedding on Saturday that had quite some time between the ceremony and the reception so we went to Parma to shop to waste time. Wh